The first packs of cigarettes with unsavory and shocking images as a result of smoking, from may all in Dutch. The images need to deter and prevent young people start smoking.
The first room has Tuesday agreed to the modified rookwarenwet with obligations the European tobacco and tobacco products line. This means that new packaging from may, alarming images. The old stocks may temporarily be sold, let the Department of health know.
In addition to the shocking pictures comes a text on the packaging which calls to stop. This refers to a website with tips to stop and a toll-free phone number for help.
Secretary of State Martin van Rijn has additionally stipulated that the age limit to 18 years for the e-cigarette is increased. "For young people can e-cigarettes are a stepping stone to smoking and we therefore prohibit the sale under 18 years of age."
Also will there be a smoking ban on schoolyards.
By: Anne-Fleur Peel/ Metro
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