In the primaries in the us has Donald Trump won five States and Hillary Clinton four tonight. Both have they still not enough delegates. "The circus is by", says correspondent Erik mouthaan.
Five States today went to the polls during the primaries: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island.
' Exciting ' Trump won the Republican primary election in all those States. Clinton won Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut and Maryland.
The change still not many victories in the battle for presidential candidate, says correspondent Erik mouthaan. "It just stays exciting. The leaders have strengthened their position, but the deal is not yet around. "
Clinton close to Clinton is the closest to a majority in the primaries. She has 2383 delegates need to be the Democratic presidential candidate and with its profit tonight she comes across the border from 2000.
According to MAH, the pressure on Bernie Sanders to the fight. "A lot of people in the party find that he now for damage. Sanders himself has said that he is continuing. "
Trump must keep winning to the Republican side is the more exciting. Trump is to winning, to get even a majority he must from now on 60% of the vote in each State. "Tonight he has though, but States that are about to vote are more pro-Cruz and Kasich."
For Trump, it is particularly important that he gets a majority. If that fails it is only whether he was on the Party Congress elected to candidate.
By: Yahoo! News/Photo: AFP
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