New tenants of private landlords hunted even higher costs. Mediation costs are now reflected in the monthly price.
Rent Platform Pararius is not happy with the pricing of the cost, but says he can do nothing.Extra bitter for private tenants is that a reprimand from the Supreme Court on the handling fees for them now appears detrimental to unpack.
The rental platform spoke last year of "a victory for the tenants' when the highest court ruled that home seekers no longer have to pay brokerage fees if they respond to a home that offers the broker. According to the Supreme letting agents should henceforth deposit account with the landlord.
Pararius director Jasper de Groot has recently come to my attention that the owners of the agency fee indeed, albeit in a roundabout way, to pass on to the tenants. The costs are now reflected in the monthly price. As a new tenant can just 8 percent more per month are lost.And that the entire rental period long.
De Groot agrees that new tenants from bad to worse were routed. ,, The tenant pays the additional increase now year after year instead of just once at the start of the lease. ''
The director of Pararius bases his statements on sounds of brokers who are affiliated with the largest rental network in the Netherlands. According to the director, the decision not only affect the rents, but deteriorate in the meantime the conditions for the tenant.
His advice to tenants is to bring a aanhuurmakelaar in the arm. They are just as good which agency fee lost, but they also delivers on what; he could negotiate on behalf of the tenant numerous conditions and the rent.
By: AD Editors: Natasja de Groot Photo: Reuters
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