Rob Meijer is still shaking in his chair. Last night were his neighbors on the sidewalk. Karin and Willem Geertsma, the brother and sister disappeared since early March. Alive and well.
New world
Anyone who knew anything about the couple was under the assumption that they would never come back alive. Karin announced the day before the disappearance that she with her brother to a new world would go. In this new world they would, her brother and Karin's recently deceased husband will live together in the same house as the one in Terneuzen.
,, They called us to, at two o'clock at night. My wife heard it, she did her robe and went to look. They almost got a heart attack. They had all the time in France to drive around. They sometimes slept with farmers. At last they are robbed. When the money ran out and they come back. "
At the home of Karin and Willem Geertsma itself is not opened.
The Meijer family thought they would never see their neighbors. ,, The detective said, yet "we see no return." That we ourselves thought. "
New tenant
Until there was suddenly rang in the dead of night. ,, They called for the key because their own key they hang in. "Buurman Meijer was still dazed. He rents the house at Lange Kerkstraat to brother and sister Geertsma. After two months, no sign that he was looking for another tenant.
,, We had been someone who would check. We would fully furnished rental home.Everything was finally yet and everything brand new. "He points to the red food. ,, We had already exchanged their juicer with ours. They had a lot better. ''
An old friend of the couple, Tresi Barros, medium Rotterdam, is relieved that Karin and Willem again justified. ,, I have tonight dreamed! Crazy is that. But I am very happy to hear that they are back. ''
By: Editor: AD / Guido van der Heijden Photo: Police
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