Publicist Wim Thankfully managed to seize the state pension to the mother of the murdered Marianne Vaatstra.
After three weeks, he decided to raise it again. Thankfully conducting a legal battle with Maaike Terpstra, who showed confiscate 200,000 euros to his bank account because thankful published illegally from her diary. The writer has to let lay in turn seized because he wants to have back some of his money.
Thankfully Wim writes for years on his own website about the murder of Marianne Vaatstra (16) in 1999. According Grateful is the summit of Justice involved in keeping out the wind from the real culprits. The court in its opinion the wrong killer (Jasper S.) condemned cheating of the Public Prosecutor and the Dutch Forensic Institute.
For that 'corruption' to show he wanted to publish the mother's diary. Despite asked by Maaike Terpstra, prohibition of the right he published the diary in his own words anyway. He also failed to destroy the rest edition of the book. A judge ruled Wednesday that it is plausible that Grateful and co-author Hans Mauritz will now almost 200,000 have had to forfeit penalties. The amount would have to pay the authors Maaike Terpstra minus some costs and exceptions if the process is finished completely. There is an appeal of Grateful runs against the rulings.
The lawyer of the mother, Yehudi Moszkowicz, had previously put all seized 200,000 euros grateful to finally be able to recover the forfeited penalty payments. After a judge ruled that some of those penalties because of possible limitation had to be returned first to Thankfully, the publicist seized the modest benefit of the mother and the business accounts of Moszkowicz and his office. The batter on the distribution made a deep impression, according to the lawyer for the mother.
Thankfully Wim says himself fighting a fair fight. According to the man stands Maaike Terpstra namely fully support the content of his book and his mere her children who sue him. Thankfully says in response that the decision to seize not go too far the mother's benefit. ,, It was on the advice of the bailiff. And it was because it was unclear where was my money. For the same money he would have paid into her bank account. At one point it became clear that it was still in his trust account, when I removed the batter off. ''
According to the lawyer cut the arguments of the publicist is ineffective. He handed during one of the trials a handwritten and signed letter from Maaike Terpstra, in which she states that she does have commissioned the lawsuits and calls for peace.
In the letter, the mother writes that Grateful has not adhered to the decisions of the judges and that he therefore simply have to pay the fines. "If I keep him in there, he would never stop, I want him to leave me alone and accept that I do not share his opinion. It's a lie that I would agree with his book. I have not read it and then not do so. I want Grateful stop and let me and my kids alone. "
The battle between Thankful and Maaike Terpstra keeps fester. There are already certain conducted six lawsuits. Thankfully Moszkowicz recently dragged to the disciplinary court, but rejected his complaints. There is an appeal against that judgment.
Wednesday ruled a judge hearing that it is plausible that Grateful and his co-author must jointly pay 200,000 euros to 'fines' and that the seizure of the Grateful Moszkowicz accounts largely flawed and should be abolished. The lawyer Maaike Terpstra next to the huge amount of money has also ordered the seizure of the 415 m2 large villa of Grateful in Overveen. The very spacious house with seven bedrooms and two bathrooms rest a mortgage of 600,000 euros and the property is up for sale for 1.6 million euros. Thankfully amassed his fortune as an internet entrepreneur.
Thankfully has already been irrevocably convicted for his statements about the murder and must again appear before the criminal court this year. The Prosecution accuses him someone to step up wrongly and repeatedly as involved in the sensational murder case.
In 2013, Jasper S. was irrevocably convicted for the murder of Marianne Vaatstra. He made a full confession. Moreover, it appeared that his DNA was found on several places on and near the victim. He had the knife with which he killed the girl, still preserved.
By: Editor: AD / Chris Patten Photo: Maaike Terpstra / Reuters
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