The European Parliament does not want to bow to the Turkish President Erdogan. If Ankara does not meet all 72 requirements for visa-free travel - including adjustment of the anti-terror laws - then there is no parliament mulling over to bring the visa liberalization even vote.
This afternoon there is a Strasbourg debate on the state of play of the EU-Turkey agreement on migration crisis and the associated 'visa deal. MEPs will discuss with the European Commission's views on Erdogan's statements in recent days. Expected to have a large majority will strongly oppose allowing visa-free travel as Erdogan not stitch the. The necessary parliamentary approval does not come yet.
According to the European Commission, Turkey still needs to meet five of the 72 conditions for visa liberalization. The main one is that Turkey adjusts its definitions of terrorism and terrorist acts with those of the EU. That adjustment should ensure that journalists or academics no longer end up in prison under anti-terror laws. Such arrests are now the order of the day.
Everyone in the closet
Erdogan succeeds since Friday in Brussels everyone to get on the cabinet with bold statements. "We expect the EU to repair their own laws that support terrorism," he said yesterday.
"European countries are still safe havens for political ramifications of terrorist groups. It is therefore an example of black comedy that EU criticizes our country because of the definition of terrorism."
Friday, he said no intention to change the anti-terror laws. "We go our way, you go your way," he said. That seemed an apt illustration of the recent statement by Vice-President Timmermans of the European Commission that Turkey lately before drifting away from the EU than sitting on rapprochement course.
The now sidetracked gerangeerde Prime Minister Davutoglu said recently that the EU-Turkey agreement goes into the trash if the EU does not implement the visa deal. That would mean that the Turks do not want to cooperate in taking back all the boat people from Greece, the EU, the most important part of the agreements.
A jar threatening bluff. Ankara will indeed blow up the agreement and the visa-free travel does not take place? Erdogan said yesterday of October as closing time, which seems to give the EU some respite. Earlier it was there July.
On the other hand, Brussels will soon be willing to put the hard-won migration agreements at stake with Turkey on the grounds that Turkey, although 71 to visa-free eligibility requirements but to no one?
By Editorial Wedding: Christoph Schmidt Photo: AFP
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