The debt to citizens lacking, says the National Ombudsman, Reinier van Zutphen, in a critical report.
Who the government asks for help in tackling debts encounter numerous barriers. The government thinks that one does come true, but that is an illusion, says Van Zutphen. "The government assumes a standard, and if you do not meet it, you fall outside the boat. It should never intended that the citizen is excluded because he does not fit into the standaardmal debt relief distribution."
The Ombudsman suggested earlier that the government takes too little account of people who are not self-sufficient and properly depending on the government to solve their problems. People experience bumps in the admission to the debt. For example, independent contractors and homeowners often denied access due to their position, without receiving a suitable alternative offered.
Moreover, the Ombudsman received other complaints: the completion of the procedure is lengthy, accessibility is poor or people get any formal rejection of their aid applications, allowing legal protection is compromised.
Duty of care
In mid-2012, the law laid the duty of care in this area with the municipalities. The Ombudsman urges the State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment Jetta Klijnsma about issues dealing with municipalities in conversation.
The Secretary responded Tuesday immediately ". Local authorities can and should deliver custom and debt must be accessible Therefore, the government annually already 100 million euros to municipalities for poverty reduction and debt."
The complaints she takes very seriously. The report is for her an important addition to an assessment of municipal debt that will soon go to the House. Based on that piece she goes with municipalities and other stakeholders to work with improvements in debt. The Ombudsman's findings also come into play.
By Editorial Wedding: Reuters Photo: Reuters
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