The VVD has forty members. They were, you know, not always the same. Several people left - some voluntarily, to the European Parliament, or a job outside politics - others had gone.
We want it all out raking again. But stability was different: the editor of Square 2 perceived regularly a new VVD face in a parliamentary committee.
We mentioned already that the portfolio 'nature' exchanged regularly hands. Recently it was announced that leader Halbe Zijlstra Sjoerd Potters had taken the spokesperson integration, then it went back to Malik Azmani. Time to take stock: how many Liberal MPs were actually who were long in the same subject deepen four years?
A rather small minority shows. Apart from party leader Halbe Zijlstra, who sat qualitate terms continually in the commission secretly, there were a grand total of five MPs who never exchanged the portfolio. VVD voters last four years of building on the fact that Han ten Broeke were their husband was abroad, Brigitte van den Burg on youth policy, Helma Lodders agriculture, Anoushka Schut-Welkzijn Social Affairs and Erik Ziengs on entrepreneurs and freelancers.
off track
In all other areas they have often lost track of purpose. So had the personnel of defense that wished to communicate with his representative in the VVD in turning the first year to Ybeltje Berckmoes-Duindam. That changed in early 2014, heard from that moment 'military personnel' in the subjects of André Bosman. Until a year ago, when Fred Teeven of State became an MP: the staff of defense now fell under him.
As the "military personnel" fared, so must be destroyed to many voters and lobbyists. What about the number of introductory meetings which carried the water boards? MP André Bosman had the first two years Water, Fisheries and Kingdom Relations, but he lost after a year of continuing from water at colleague Barbara Visser, who Building and Housing for the time went.
Building and Housing then had to relocate again. It found a place at Roald van der Linde, who in turn took on a whole range of topics in the field of the Interior to the lawyer Ingrid Caluwé. Which was previously on development, but which now falls under Joost Taverne.
Are you still? We're not there yet. Municipal administration, the Ombudsman, the Civil Service Tribunal, a lot of subjects shifted from one to the other. One example: Faunaman Rudmer Heerema might add to his subjects Sport in 2015, first from Matthijs Huizing. Then in late 2013 was caught driving under the influence moved to Sport Michiel van Veen. "With a practical things to achieve," is his motto. The question is whether the sports lobby also thinks so.
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VVD MPs with the most radical change:
1: Ockje Tellegen child arrangements to terrorism
2: Anne Mulder from unemployment to European affairs
3: Ton Elias traffic to media
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By Editorial Wedding: Romana Abels, Nicole Besse Link Bart Zuidervaart Photo: Reuters
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