Give children of poor parents again a basic grant, says the new ombudsman for children Margrite Kalverboer. "Their parents say not so easy: just connect a loan to do some training."
"Poverty is a complex problem, a many-headed monster," said Margrite Kalverboer, professor at the faculty of behavioral and social sciences in Groningen. Next week, she starts as the new ombudsman for children.
The disappearance of the basic grant is in its not good for children from poor families. "Their parents say not so easy: just connect a loan to do some training."
Are the conditions for the student loan is not generous enough?
"I know that the opportunities are there, there is a supplementary grant and that the student loan is eventually forgiven if you do not earn enough. But the threshold to borrow money for an education, remains for some, just very high. "
How did that happen?
"Poverty is often associated with poor education conditions, parents who are just a little less smart, a network that is smaller. Poverty is often passed down from generation to generation. Borrowing a study which children do not fast. They prefer to go to work right away and then be on their eighteenth fired because someone of sixteen can do the job cheaper. "
Have you seen it in your area?
"I come from Groningen, and I see huge differences in the regions. My brother lives in Kiel-Windeweer. Lying at Hoogezand, in the direction of contracting areas. His kids had a good CITO score of 545, but they got a havo advice. My kids were in the city of Groningen in school and had I think one or two points lower on their CITO test, but they went to the gym.Is not that weird? The children of my brother is now doing a college degree and that's wonderful, but they had been able safely to the gym. "
Is a basic grant enough to overcome such differences?
"There are more sides, though. You should also encourage the children and guide. It's just much more difficult for them. They also often have to deal with stress at home, so you can learn less easily. "
By: EM Picture: EM
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