ProRail often has to endure criticism. That is not always justified. The service will do everything to get to millions of travelers on time at their destination. Director Pier Eringa submit to Metro Start Up against what ProRail problems.
There are concerns about the many people and animals running on the track. What will you do about it?
Animals and people on the track are a big problem, they cause interference. We deal with fencing along the track prevent this as much as possible. But we can not quite the Netherlands with fences. Therefore check go 50 Special Investigating officers at places along the track.
The number of failures took it off. Is that the big gains from last year?
So I'm certainly not. We just want to go more committed to preventing major disruptions in key pathways have much impact. It is easier to fix minor faults and then proud to call that number decreases failures. That is the exercise for beginners. But we are experienced and want us to focus on things that have a lot of impact on our customers.
More people commit suicide by throwing himself in front of the train. Last year there were 223 deaths.
Yes. That worries us. Something like that has a huge impact on our staff, our timetable and passengers. We train our people to be alert to misguided people along the track and go check additional stations in close proximity to a psychiatric institution. The handling of a suicide should be faster. Sometimes rail is however still 4 hours. We need an ambulance, the fire brigade to clear and a mortician. We're working to let faster.
You also considering blue light stations. Why?
We want to try everything what they already do in other countries against suicides on the track. That blue light should work calming. The idea comes from Japan.
There is a lot of criticism descended on your service and staff. What do you and your people?
We can take criticism well, but it would need to be justified. We would have made a financial mess. That is nonsense, it also shows us annual report.
You are so self-satisfied?
I am proud that we have to tackle the rising trend, but only satisfied if others are about us.We want to reduce the number of major failures in dominant track and continue to work on our punctuality. Those are the things that our customers are facing the most. But despite that we are not satisfied, I think that some may be more attention to our people day and night working hard to get everything on the track to run as smoothly as possible.
By Editorial Metro / Tjerk de Vries Photos: Metro
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