The rich and famous in Cannes Friday must be rotten startled. A local Internet company created a fake terror attack down the coastal town, where at this time takes place the prestigious film festival.
According to the Hollywood Reporter moored six men at the screw-star Hotel Du Cap, according to eyewitnesses dressed in "IS-like army clothes." Once out of the dinghy stepped they marched up the stairs, to the terrace of the hotel where guests were eating unsuspecting.
"Someone screamed, then everyone jumped out of his chair and ran to the pool," says an eyewitness to the Guardian . "It was pretty scary." The news that it was all a publicity stunt by the tech company, therefore, was not well received. "It's really a rotgrap" said a spokesman for Hotel Du Cap.
Due to the high terror threat in Europe, the organization of the film festival in Cannes 500 extra security guards. The festival began Wednesday and will last until May 22.
By Editorial Metro / Sophie Moerman Photo: Flickr / CucombreLibre
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