The Amsterdam public transport goes on the shovel. With the commissioning of the North/South line goes almost half of the lines otherwise drive.
Travelers will also have to get used to that they have to change to more often at the place of destination. The number of trams on the vijzelgracht is halved and the Leidsestraat gets a third less trams.
Possible get buses and trams letter designations instead of figures such as now.
With the changes in the role that transport company CFP plays the North/South line should play. The new metro line should ' the backbone of the Amsterdam public transport network '.
To prevent trams above ground more or less the same route as the metro underground, parts of routes will be shifted. Also the bus traffic will change beyond recognition.
' Puzzle ' that turned out to be all Tuesday night during two meetings ' that the CFP ' inhabitants kept in Pakhuis De Zwijger. Under the title ' Puzzle to the CFP network "invited the transport company Tuesday afternoon and evening, and also still, interested parties from Wednesday to talk about the changes in public transport.
Also be invited on the site of the CFP Amsterdam residents a survey.
Passengers have to change more often, see the CFP not as a problem. A spokesman says be aware that despite the time savings "for some may not feel comfortable".
"Not everyone will in advance are positive, we realize that a different mindset is required. At the same time, more change is inevitable in an ever busier city. Dozens of trams pass to the CS is not an option. Then comes the public transport to a halt and drops out the city shut. "
Big bang The completion of the North/South line is still scheduled for October 2017, but it seems highly uncertain that that date is extracted.
In contrast to previous sounds allows the CFP that the new timetables at the opening with a ' big bang ' will be introduced; a gradual introduction is impossible.
The CFP maintains that the travellers will have to get used to the idea that most of the trams no longer drive back and forth from the districts to the CS.
Routes many routes get an East-west direction, whereby travelers getting a good connection with the North/South line. The toughest interventions will in North, the CFP: the bus traffic from the North will stop here and not, as often now, continue to CS.
"Travelers can here change to the metro. That way they will, despite once more changes, for example, on the Leidseplein are faster. "
East also have to deal with changes. Line 9, which now still between Diemen and CS drives, gets a totally different route: from Diemen is no longer central in the tram, but the line before the Canal area turn left, direction ' Leidseplein '.
By editorial Het parool: MARC Kalia photo: REUTERS
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