Dependents remain much prefer to live at home than to move to an institution. Now breaks the cabinet. The care home will cost 167 million more than budgeted. This appears from the annual report of the Ministry of Health.
Dependents living at home can get care from the municipalities to maintain at home. Which is regulated by the Social Support Act, WMO.
Those who are not at home can save more, is entitled to a place in a care home, nursing home or institution disabilities. Who has such an indication, however, can also choose to stay at home, and receive the care of the institution. This is called Full Package home and, like the place in the institution, funded through the Long Term Care Act (WLZ). For the government, it is slightly cheaper because the housing need not be paid.
Setback of 96 million
That Full Package At home, the government now provides a hefty setback on. Because happens exactly what the government has elevated to mantra: people live much rather stay in their own familiar surroundings as long as possible and live at home.
The budget in 2015 was 186 million booked in for the full package. At the final settlement appears to have cost 353 million. Last year the budget was prematurely already increased by 71 million euro, which still remains a shortfall of 96 million. The unforeseen increase applies to both the elderly and the disabled. Older people who prefer to live at home cost 69 million more disabled 27 million. How many people are concerned, the annual report does not report.
By Editorial Volkskrant: Gijs Herderscheê Photo: Reuters
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