More money for cleaning the city, integration of refugees and sports fields; the municipality of Amsterdam presents Thursday plans for the coming years.
Many of the plans that Alderman Udo Kock of finance presented Thursday morning, were already in the renewed agreement that coalition parties D66, VVD and SP in March with great fanfare presented in the Calandlyceum.
The City Council hung garlands on again Thursday morning, but it still felt as if the birthday party all behind it was. Much money goes to the next few years fixing up the city; ten million for the cleaning of streets, especially after one of the many events.
In addition, Amsterdam begins this fall with a big revamp of roads, bike paths, sidewalks, bridges, quay walls and green. Cost: 40 million. This is called overdue maintenance, especially in areas outside the ring and in North, where the need is greatest.
For this overdue maintenance and cleaning are mainly Locals deployed that are difficult to work. Who can gain experience. For this is ten million.
For safety is in 2017, in addition to the structural investment of two million, another five million set aside for the fight against radicalisation and the continued abuse of power approach. For an approach to the problem of nuisance on the street, pulls the municipality one million.
© Laura van der Bijl & Jorris Verboon
East spring remains an important theme in the plans of the college is the hustle and bustle in the city. So is there one million extra for the approach and enforcement of illegal hotels. To the hustle and bustle on the IJ, is the Eastern Spring permanently. To buy a new pont is over two million. Also is 1.4 million for research on a bridge over the river IJ.
East spring remains an important theme in the plans of the college is the hustle and bustle in the city. So is there one million extra for the approach and enforcement of illegal hotels. To the hustle and bustle on the IJ, is the Eastern Spring permanently. To buy a new pont is over two million. Also is 1.4 million for research on a bridge over the river IJ.
Another major theme is the reception of refugees. The city will, in addition to two thousand asylum seekers also need to accommodate a large number of recognised refugees. Amsterdam attracts ten million extra for the reception and integration of status holders. This money will go to language classes, training and help it to work by this group.
Good news for sports clubs the Amsterdam sports clubs go on ahead. They have less local tax to pay and in total, there are almost ten million euros extra available for their accommodation.
The fault of Amsterdam is 4.5 billion in 2016, half a billion less than the expectations in 2015. Also the fault of 5.1 billion in 2017 is lower.
By editorial Het parool: MICHIEL CAPON photo: Amaury Miller
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