Rat poison in coffee by Minister

Gepubliceerd op 6 juni 2016 om 11:16

WILLEMSTAD-Attackers have succeeded in rat poison to do in the coffee of the Curaçao Minister Nelson Navarro of Justice. The failed attack had place in February last year the Government House Fort Amsterdam in Willemstad.

Naamloos-1367.pngThat is the finding of the Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI) to the contents of the Bowl consolation. Minister Navarro of the governing party, PAIS suddenly became ill after he had been drinking the stuff. "When non-one danger," said spokesman Norman Serphos by the public prosecutor.

According to the NFI, there were traces of rat poison in the coffee. The active substance aldicarb is one of the strongest in the world, insecticides and banned in Europe for over ten years. In Latin America it is for sale under the name Tres Pasitos: ' three Steps '. Minister Navarro has been lucky: the aldicarb concentration in his Cup was too low for acute danger.

It is not the first time that the crime fighter of the Government of Curaçao is the target of an attack. Two Venezuelan hit men would rather have a plan prepared for the politician during a Carnival parade to menace. Navarro was warned in time.

The hard crime on the Caribbean island turns out to have no scruples for the killing of politicians. Earlier was also the current Prime Minister Ben Whiteman once fired upon while he sat on his balcony. The most shocking Helmin Wiels liquidation is still on in may 2013. The leader of Pueblo Soberano survived some gun shots not.

Minister Navarro yesterday refused a response. But the case is currently silent, explain the public prosecutor's Office. Research on how the poison in the tea could ever come, and that in Fort Amsterdam where the Council of Ministers is held weekly, went unheeded.

By editorial Telegraph: Edwin Timmer photo: REUTERS

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