Useless electricity industry

Gepubliceerd op 6 juni 2016 om 11:22

Helmond-installers of boilers and electrical installations deliver fudge on a large scale.

Four within the industry as to book standing authority inspectors, who deal with elektra, store security alarm. They come daily life-threatening situations.

The story of the experts connect seamlessly with a report that the Dutch Safety Board released last year. It stated that the serious shortcomings as regards the sound installation connecting and maintaining boilers and geysers.

"While ever more complex installations, the knowledge level of installers off dramatically," said security expert Peter Campos of the Helmondse agency C + B the negative trend. The inspectors get support from trade association Uneto-VNI. Also who finds the Government weather monitoring. The Interior Ministry is studying following the OVV-report still on a solution.

By editorial Telegraph: Olof of Joolen photo: C + B

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