Bo from Zeewolde is 9 years. The girl and her parents received the terrible news that she has leukemia. There once was a slap on top when they received a letter from the insurance company.
In a blog last year wrote the mother of Bo, Laura Prince, how they were told that the girl was seriously ill. "What you have is called leukemia Bo but they call it blood cancer. She looks at the doctor. This word comes in. For one they knew with cancer is now dead."
The parents of Bo had at birth to arrange a funeral 'but calculated to Bo that went wrong, "says her mother. When insurance Ardanta they tried it yet. Much to their chagrin they received a rejection. Mother Laura has the letter they received last week posted Ardanta on Facebook.
She writes this as well ". The first confrontation that ordinary life shall definitely not if you have to deal with childhood A refusal to request Funeral And then you're 9."
In the brief letter Ardanta writes that they reject the request for a funeral for Bo."Unfortunately, we see no possibility to offer insurance. This means that the insurance applied for can not be achieved. I'm not otherwise be able to tell us."
letter heartless
The Facebook post was shared thousands of times. People find particularly heartless tone of the letter. Mother Laura writes on Facebook: "My message about the funeral refused to Ardanta Bo has gone viral and I'm really overwhelmed by messages."
She believes that insurance companies have a social example, she tells the website "I would like this example is used to show it in show that" the desire to secure a burning house not 'is not acceptable. It is a mindset that is normally found. "
reaction Ardanta
The noise is also not escaped Ardanta. The spokesman referred to the Facebook page of the insurance company. However, this brief reaction.
"We understand that the tone of our letter has come for business in the situation of the family. That was not our intention. We would like to with the family in conversation and that did not work so far. We will continue to try. "
By: Yahoo! News Photo: Facebook Laura Prince's 9-year-old Bo
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