Mother sick Bo: "We have not heard from the funeral insurer '

Gepubliceerd op 7 juni 2016 om 09:53

Laura Prins (40) posted last week a letter from insurance company Ardanta on her Facebook page. "A first confrontation that ordinary life does not definitively more if you have to deal with childhood," she wrote it. The letter Laura's daughter Bo (9) denied a funeral. "And while Bo's prospects are soo good ..."

End of 2014, Bo was diagnosed with leukemia. The world of the young family was upside down. Laura: "I had in my life already gotten a lot on my plate, but when I heard the diagnosis I thought 'This is my knockout." But I survived. We stayed up. You drill a force, you do not know it existed. I found support in companion mother and my husband. A low point we reached out. Every now and then a meltdown of five minutes and then you go back on. you have to, your child needs you. "


"My husband and I had to take along pretty strong decisions, including stopping one of Bo's medications. She went on under it and had suicidal thoughts. In all the other treatments I felt like I was sitting ringside for the suffering of my child look, but I felt everything that had to be better.

But one drug we could not bear it. I think there read bitten and really everything you could read about. I talked to other parents and doctors and we talked endlessly with each other.After seven months, we decided to stop. A good decision as it turned out because we saw refurbishing Bo. "


"It goes well with Bo. Yet seven months of daily chemotherapy at home and weekly in the hospital, and then she has completed the program for two years." She looks good and has her back. She can even do back in a ponytail. I notice that she is very glad of it. "

" 'I look back on myself," she said only. That touches me. "What is going're all in your little head about," I think. The prospects are good. Bo has a "positive" form of leukemia with a chance of recovery . almost 100% Anyways child cancer has a high survival rate:. 75% course that is never high enough Kika does not strive for nothing to 95%. ".


The family ended with the birth of their eldest son Shem directly off a funeral for him. "Due to a change of agent, is that shot at in at Bo. We knew that too. My father was himself thirty years of insurance, Ardanta wrote a detailed letter in which he explained that his granddaughter was wrong and how were its prospects."

"He explained why she was not insured and the insurance company pointed out that we have been four generations of customers." The extensive letter from Grandpa answered with a standard response Ardanta. "A rejection. And Bo's name was not even spelled correctly!"

It touches Laura that her child is rejected by society. "But it does not surprise me. Do not misunderstand me, I'm not doing a hate campaign against Ardanta. I know that more companies respond that way."

"But I want to create consciousness. Consciousness children to have had childhood in this way always be remembered. They have for the rest of their lives a stamp, while their outlook is soo good. I'm not calling from a burning house to insure my possessions. It goes well with Bo. She's not a huge risk, such as the letter implies indirectly. "


Laura lacks a bit of humanity. "A standard rejection with a misspelled name, why not call Why not consult Obviously we had been willing to pay premium for Bo But that's not even been discussed and confrontation, we have now with Ardanta but?.. Bo later in life will also be buying a house still have problems with it. "

Ardanta meanwhile has had on his Facebook page, know that it is trying to get in touch with the family, but this has not yet succeeded. Laura: "I wonder what number they call because I'm easy to reach and we have not heard from them.".


The reactions on social media are heartwarming. "Many people, including agents and funeral directors, to help us or stabbing us a shot in the arm. But there are also people who compare it with the theft of a camera. However, you can not take out insurance if you stuff all have lost. Unbelievable. How can you attract compare? If we have to rely on this funeral, it is because we have lost our child. that's the last thing you want? "

"I'm trying to explain comments by my side, but that's pretty difficult. I'm not a mother on the back of her sick child whines about insurance, as I also was accused in a comment. I am a mother fighting for confidence in children who survive cancer. they have so much experience and power, they deserve the stamp that they do not count certainly did not! "

By Telegraph editorial / Female: Photo: Private Photo / Facebook

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