Tennis player Robin Haase, who for weeks in the news is because of the murder case around Koen Edgecombe, tells at RTL Late Night on the case in which his coach Mark the j. prime suspect. "No one who asks me: How do you deal with it that Koen no more?"
"It's been three months just on my coach," said Haase. "I find that violently. I have Kaiser Family never seen or spoken. I have never been given the chance to offer condolences to them. And my last conversation I've had with Koen went about his daughter. Who wanted to like I once came along to her from school to catch up. "
The case keeps H all three months. When he returned from a tennis tournament in the US, he was taken for questioning. That was a surprise, says the tennis player. "That I would be answered I had expected. So when I was taken, I thought nothing. Until such time that he really was detained. Then scare you. I don't know how much water I have drunk during the trial, but my throat was pretty dry. "
Because of the case, this tennis player broken with his coach. "The relationship with Mark I immediately terminated," said Haase. Doing so makes it for him no matter or The j. is guilty or not. "The relationship had already ended for me at the time that he was arrested. The reason is very simple: it will never with him more about tennis. It will always be about that arrest, if I win or loss. Things as you will soon get a visa to America might not be so: surely you're been arrested once. Therefore, it was for me that cooperation already finished. "
The case-Edwards has a negative influence on the game of Haase. "On the job is it so that you sometimes less well are concentrated," he explains. "That's been a while, so I can now better handle it. But especially off the track, as I am preparing me mentally, then suddenly someone starts with ' how is it actually now with Mark? '. That is at that time annoying because you then again recalled, just before you need the job. "
The lawsuit against the j. is this week started. In court, the ex-coach of H that he is innocent. He says he's for the House of Edwards is raided by four man who kidnapten him. That men would have committed the murder of Edwards.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: RTL News
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