The Dutchman thinks now more negative about the future, the EU and the euro than five years ago. For his weekly has made an inventory of Maurice de Hond poll the opinions and compared that with the same questions he asked five years ago.
About 46 percent think about ten years the EU collapsed five years ago that was 32 percent. In addition, 37 percent that Netherlands from the European Union, against 25 percent five years ago.
The difference is large between different parties. So is 86 percent of the PVV-voters for a Nexit compared to only five percent of the VVD and PvdA voters.
Guilder a small 40 percent will now find that our country must of the euro (5 percent more). On the statement: We had the guilder should never give up, says now exactly half Yes (was 49 percent). Here is the difference again great between voters of different parties.
Significantly more people are concerned about the outbreak of a new world war. Currently 44 percent there is afraid of, against 17 percent in 2011. The differences between voters of political parties is closer together.
By Editorial AD Photo: REUTERS
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