Amsterdam-Patients after ten minutes away because the time according to the health care provider is over? No way.
Dependents forward to another practice because they happen to live in a different neighborhood? How did you come up with that! Dr Nico van Hasselt (92) is not only the oldest practicing physician in our country, he is also one of the last practitioners of the old school. His practice at home 24 hours a day, seven days a week for patients. ,, It is a calling, "he says firmly.
A bit disappointing think he does it. Minister Schippers had informed a hole to release its schedule to receive the book on his years of struggle against health insurance companies and the Health Inspectorate. And while Schippers as MP still played an important role in his fight for justice. ,, Maybe she had no appetite to take up the discussion at the book launch, "Van Hasselt notes. ,, But she wrote that she would like to receive the book. "
In the book "Giving up ... Nope!" Estella Heesen author drew not only the story of the Amsterdam GP that for 24 years conducted a bitter legal battle against health insurers, which determined unilaterally that he and 65-year-old doctor but had to stop working. Hasselt, one of the last living Engelandvaarders and resistance fighter in World War II, it were not put in down and was eventually vindicated after an exhausting battle with the Equal Treatment Commission.
And so loves Hasselt even daily office hours twice a day, to spend between different home and hospital visits. ,, An insurer recently sent me a letter: I did too many visits they found .. ", sighs the doctor, who yesterday with his wife Ineke and five hundred patients, 60-year work anniversary.
The huisbezoekberisping is an illustrative example of the changing health care in our country. ,, The human dimension and common sense are largely gone now insurers have become so powerful. It's all about these days for codes, money and efficiency. While just the personal contact is so crucial in primary care. The insurance company wants me may discuss an alarm use and that the patient only one specific complaint per consultation. Do you have more, you should just make a new appointment .. Well, they're crazy? If a patient comes, then I'll finish this conversation. How many questions or complaints are also on the table. "
Very critical, he is also on the Electronic Patient Record: ,, I have forced someone hired to keep that because I work for sixty years to complete satisfaction with my card files. But what worries me most about the confidentiality of the SPD. Today also want eg physiotherapy and pharmacy just to consult. Now the pharmacist himself has taken the oath, but what about his staff? And even want to watch the health insurer. That seems a terrible thing. "
With his wife he had once liked best holiday: ,, But there is simply not find anyone who is willing to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week my practice to observe .. "
Despite his age, wants Van Hasselt doctor not specify this: ,, My patients carry me on hands, just because I'm always for them. To stop, I do not. I go through until it really is not anymore. "
By Editorial Telegraph: Photo: Reuters
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