The open letter from Hugo Borst to State Martin van Rijn on nursing care has created quite a stir among readers. Everyone hopes that his call gets hearing. An anthology of the finest and best entries.
Let ensure carers
"Dear Mr. Van Rijn '(AD 7-7). Tribute to Hugo Borst for his open letter about the nursing care to the State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport. Politics, wake up! Personally, I would (93) would rather commit suicide than having to go through a greedy bosses and top bosses ruled care facility. Lack of expert knowledge makes loving caregivers can not do their best work. It is time for a management which can delegate well. Caregivers should not be engaged in registration and administration.
J. Huygen-Greven, Giethoorn.
Counted every blade of grass
What an impressive open letter to State Secretary Van Rijn. Tribute to Hugo Borst and the AD. Unnecessary records are also to the police and education. Every blade of grass has been counted twice in the Netherlands and, if it is up to our government, they make three times in the course of employment.
Peter Straub, Haastrecht.
Respect who makes
With this I want to express my deep respect and appreciation for all caregivers and nurses who work in our nursing homes. Be especially careful that you communicate well with each other in the team, have respect for each other, help each other and create a safe and pleasant working relationship. Eventually, you work for the same result: a clean, safe and pleasant living environment for residents. Perhaps it is time that Mr Van Rijn itself is blacklisted.
J. Driesen, Hellevoetsluis.
Tasks could unfortunately not
Our mother lives in a protected section in the Driehof in Hazerswoude Dorp. Praise for the people who work there. Mother is well looked after. Each day one of the children her outside. But many people do not come out. There's no time for that. We also see that time goes to paperwork lost. In this branch of care can not be stopped, but they can choose en masse to write only that what really matters. If everyone does it, that should generate discussion that can result from something positive.
Els Bader, Nieuwveen.
masterful pamphlet
The pamphlet Hugo Borst has gripped me from the heart. I work in health care and may well find me in the comment on protocols and the amount of administrative duties. The high salaries of managers, directors and administrators - even if they fail they go away with golden handshakes where an entire department for a year with large capacity and extra facilities can flourish - are a thorn in the eye. I hope they finally realize that things can not in The Hague. I've never sent a letter to the editor, but I had to respond to this masterly pamphlet by Hugo Borst.
Annemieke Rietveld Buitkamp, Capelle aan den IJssel.
Market forces fatal
How wonderful that a known person like Hugo Borst on the front page state his opinion about care. Poor, poor workplace. Many of those who work there, I see a burnout. Many went home frustrated because they could not provide good care. Unfortunately, it is true that inadequate care by all accounts. Besides earning the bigwigs, of whom there are far too many, too many.
Through these often outrageous salaries workplace is exploited. We, nurses are not familiar. That was the worst. I spent almost 45 years working as a nurse. Since the introduction of the market, where a lot of money being thrown down the drain, I lost the joy in my work. I was so happy that I could go.
E. van Dalen, Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel.
By Editorial AD Photo: Margi Geerlinks
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