Detainees in the Netherlands are increasingly the key to their own cell. This is done to give them more responsibility.
In Dordrecht, this has been about two years practice. But also in other institutions, it is becoming more common. Zaandam is intended that the detainees are not only able to open their own cell door, but also access to a different department, where she works for example.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Security and Justice is not only good to look at how the cons handle the responsibility. The jailers also saves work. They do, after all, can not be opened continuously cell doors and close, like a prisoner goes to his daily program.
Detainees can not day and night using the key, but only during the day between 08.00 and 17.00. Not everyone automatically has access to a key. Except include dangerous detainees include the Additional Secured Facility and the terrorists departments.
Prisoners who make a mess of it, losing the responsibility of key possession.
By Editorial AD Photo: ANP XTRA
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