The public prosecutor's Office investigates the companies Dupont and Chemours in Dordrecht. There would be hard evidence that the company has committed criminal acts. Former employees are relieved that there is an investigation.
In the company's Teflon plant worked for decades with substance C8. Which now appears to cause serious diseases such as kidney and testicular cancer. Dupont had been in the 80 evidence that C8 could be harmful to employees and local residents, but gave it not known to the authorities. The company ceased in 2012 with the use of the substance.
Both the Ministry of Social Affairs as the RIVM already investigating the matter-Dupont. Now the prosecution has rigged up an investigation team. ,, The judicial investigation focuses on the substances C8 and DMAC, '' said Valentine Hoen of the FP. There are, according to her hard evidence that the company has committed criminal offenses.
Jointly and severally liable
Ben Ale, Professor Emeritus of security and emergency management at TU Delft, the case calls interesting. He sees the court more and more directors and managers responsible proposes severally liable in the Netherlands. ,, There was a time when companies with a broad gesture paid a fine and went to the order of the day. But that does society no more. ''
According to Pieter van Vollenhoven, Chairman of the Society and Security, the research of justice is justified. ,, But where the government had all these years? '' He says. ,, That worries me. You can not leave it to the security sector. ''
Former employees of DuPont Teflon factory that still roam with severely elevated C8 levels in their blood, are relieved that justice Dupont / Chem Ours lays under the magnifying glass. ,, Now the truth will surface, '' said the sick Dordtenaar Jan Boer (71).
Lycra Factory
The FP is also investigating the Lycra Dupont factory in Dordrecht. Since young women were working with the solvent DMAc. Remarkably many of them have fertility problems. Several employees had miscarriages, got cervical cancer, a stillborn child or a child with abnormalities.
The chemical activities of Dupont falling since last year under a new company, Chem Ours. That is not to respond to the examination of the OM.
By Editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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