Ukraine can the relatives of disaster flight MH17 did not help further to additional radar data. All available dates are passed to the Dutch Safety Board (OVV). Dutch Deputy Prime Minister writes that Zubko to surviving relatives.
Who had president Porosjenko in a letter asked for more radar data. The Ukrainian Government confirms in the reaction that only secondary radar images available of the flight.
Radar and satellite data can provide more clarity about the circumstances of the disaster on 17 July 2014, in which all the occupants died, including 298 196 Dutchmen.
Air traffic controllers keep an eye on the progress of the flight on the basis of two radar systems. The primary radar on the ground who searches through the air to aircraft, and the secondary radar that picks up information of aircraft, such as the identity of a plane, speed, altitude and location.
Russia claims that primary radar images are not preserved. Ukraine also says no data primary data to have because that ground stations at the time of the disaster were broken or in maintenance. The country later claimed that some stations were destroyed. It is still unclear which explanation is correct.
,, At the time of the accident, the air traffic service was conducted with the help of data from secondary radar stations, which is fully in line with the guidelines of ICAO '' Zubko writes. ,, All available information on flight MH17 is provided to the Safety Board. ''
Dutch authorities
Zubko according to the RCN found that Ukraine had thus provided all the information necessary for its investigation. The radar data is also sent to the international team (JIT) that does research on the perpetrators. ,, Requests for additional information should be addressed to the Dutch authorities, '' said Zubko.
For both the Research Council as justice is getting radar and satellite data no matter neck. The Board considers it "highly unlikely" to see the BUK missile on the pictures is, that the Malaysia Airlines unit is shot. US satellite would not be useful because of the 'cloud'. Justice says there are enough other evidence pointing in the direction of the possible perpetrators.
Dutch experts find it strange that all Ukrainian radar stations were serviced or defective. The researchers had to check with the primary radar data or something is missing on the computer screens of the air traffic controller. The primary radar can see all the objects in the air, so for example also allow the missile, debris or other devices.
Survivors are afraid that the cause of the disaster is covered up. They find that the Dutch government should put much more pressure on Ukraine, Russia and the United States to come up with more evidence.
Therefore, 20 families have joined in the Working Group on Establishing the truth politicians touted at home and abroad letters, including Porosjenko, Mark Rutte, the US Secretary of State John Kerry and President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Netherlands must if necessary through the Verenigide Nations or international aviation organization ICAO still retrieve the radar and satellite images. But the Dutch government focuses increasingly aloof in order not to obstruct the criminal investigation.
Common duty
Who exactly rocket fired and from which place is not formally been established. The prosecution presented after the summer, the first results of the criminal investigation. ,, It is our common duty to the victims to find out what the circumstances surrounding the accident, to determine the reason and make the perpetrators liable for '', Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Zubko wrote to the relatives.
,, Despite the resistance of the Russian Federation, which last July in the UN Security Council said a veto cooperate at an international tribunal for the MH17 disaster, Ukraine remains active with other countries to hold the culprits responsible for this terrible tragedy. " '
By Editorial AD Photo: EPA
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