China has no historical ownership rights to the waters of the South China Sea. That has the Permanent Court of arbitration in the Hague today determined in a case that was filed by the Philippines.
Six countries claim to be the rightful owner of the two archipelagos, the Paracels and the Spratly's,. Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Viet Nam and Brunei they want. But China claims the Islands.
They have the site all in many square kilometers and there are ports, runways and encampments on built. The Philippines therefore stepped in 2013 to the UN Court, based in the Hague, to the claim of China on these islands. The Philippine Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay cried after the verdict for '' restraint and sobriety ''.
The countries are not without reason arguing to the island groups. Not only is the seabed full of oil, gas and minerals. The sea is also a very important, strategic shipping route. Additional great advantage is that 10 percent of all fish in the world is caught in the South China Sea.
Not recognized then who is entitled to the Islands is not yet clear. China recognizes the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of arbitration in the case. And the Court is incapable of enforcing compliance. It is therefore expected that China are not quickly withdraw troops of the Islands.
Ignoring a statement is nothing new. Also America has ignored a ruling from the Court. The US were sentenced to pay damages to Nicaragua, but have never done that.
By Editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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