Foodwatch attracted over half a year ago the alarm about dangerous substances via cardboard packaging in our food. But in the last six months, there is still little changed, says food organisation Foodwatch.
The dangerous substances were in the earlier research found in packages of recycled cardboard. In that cardboard can remains of oil from old printing ink. That oil remains in large quantities can cause cancer. Half a year ago sat in 43 percent of the tested packaging the carcinogenic oil residue.
House brands of Albert Heijn, Aldi, Lidl and Jumbo half a year ago called Minister Sa supermarkets on to their responsibilities, but that is not done according to Foodwatch. "In a number of House brands of supermarkets as Albert Heijn, Aldi, Lidl and Jumbo are dangerous substances found again", says a spokesman for Foodwatch.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: REUTERS
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