USB chargers are not always safe. Some can cause a shock, others sometimes fire. The dangerous chargers were in Netherlands just to get in the store, but may now no longer be sold.
The Dutch Food Safety Authority (NVWA) examined 41 different USB chargers and more than half did not meet the requirements. Therefore, 24 chargers have been banned by the NVWA.
No information or technical defects
At 12 the defects were so severe that it was a risk of electric shock or fire. The other chargers were technically fine, but there is no technical documentation was and should be.
NVWA began investigating after complaints about unsafe USB chargers. Especially the type that operates on 230 volts, was checked. Because the adapter goes straight into the wall (and not dependent on the computer with a cord, for example) serious accidents may occur if the thing does not sit well together.
'Do not use them anymore! "
Although dangerous chargers not in stores, NVWA say they can not prevent people still order them online from abroad. Who has a potentially dangerous charger at home, the best he can no longer use the NVWA advises. Click here to check if your charger is safe. All Apple chargers are at least safe, says a spokesman for the authority.
RTL News / Reuters Foto: Foto: Pixabay
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