The military coup in Turkey came as a complete surprise to everyone, says correspondent Cynthia King. "Turkey has a history of coups, but tanks in the streets? That's not seen since 1980. "
"It is for everyone the big question why," she says. "Until quite recently, until about five years ago, the army was very powerful. But just the last few years is reduced. And actually the relationship between Erdogan and the army which seemed to improve lately."
"Political power to be reckoned with"
The success rate of this coup would be small, thinks the King. "Much has changed in the last 15 years. The government is much stronger in his shoes than before. But nevertheless the army remains a political force to be reckoned with."
Also on the rise, we can now only guess, says King, "There is some discontent in the army. There are tensions over the war in Syria or constitutional amendments, but not such that one saw this coming."
Pro-government media speculating that supporters of Gulen, a powerful imam with many followers and declared opponent of Erdogan, sitting behind the coup. "Anyway, they say that pro-government media at all. Even if there is no support for it. It's just not clear."
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: AFP
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