Prime Minister Mark Rutte is very concerned about the situation in Turkey, he tells against reporter Frits Wester. "I do not know what is going on, but make me very, very great concern," he said. Rutte is currently at a Summit in Mongolia
PVV leader Geert Wilders let on twitter to know hope it islamofascistische regime quickly "is complete. The sooner the better ".
MEP: "This is unprecedented in Europe '
Kari Piri, MEP for the Labour Party, was "an anxious feeling" when she heard the call of President Erdogan. He asked the Turks to resist and go on the road. "You know that the military has announced at this time not to do right. Then I especially like my heart fixed. There must be no victims here. I especially fear for what will happen in the coming hours."
The news comes as a surprise, she says. "We have daily conversations in my work on Turkey. This scenario, I really can not pass by. We thought that period was over in Turkey. No one had thought that the army would stage a coup. And yet it happens tonight."
Turkey is very divided: about one half voted for Erdogan, the other half was fiercely against him. "The same was in the army, where many secular people are that just are not religious. As I declaration hear, we see it as a dangerous trend. The way the army to react, a coup, in Europe anyway unprecedented, "said Piri.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Reuters
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