The coup attempt, which began on Friday evening, came completely unexpected.
A faction within the Turkish army has Friday night tried to seize power in order "to protect the democratic order and human rights"
The coup attempt led to hours of chaos in Istanbul and Ankara. The Turkish State press agency Anadolu Agency reports that there ninety deaths. Thousands of people took to the streets in protest against the coup.
Around three o'clock last night seemed to be the coup attempt turned away, but fighting still went by several hours. The State channel TRT, which the coup perpetrators used earlier in the evening to announce their coup, was again in the air. President Erdogan spoke after the attempted coup seemed to be turned away followers in Istanbul. He called the spiritual Fethullah Gülen, his arch-enemy, the mastermind behind the coup. Gülen that live in the US condemned the coup, according to AP News Agency.
("The commanders of the army have made it clear that the putschists have broken the chain of command. The people has shown solidarity with democracy and elected Government. ")
Was heard heavy gunfire and there were flying F-16s over the city. There were also heard two heavy explosions at the parliament building in Ankara, where many members of parliament were hiding.
Quite unexpectedly
The coup attempt was totally unexpected. In a statement which was read on state television TRT argued that the military "peace council" had taken over the power that they had declared a state of siege and that there was a curfew.
It is unclear who belong to the group of soldiers. There were reports that senior officers were arrested, including the Army Chief of Staff. In response, Prime Minister Yildirim that "some people have taken illegal action outside the command structure. He said he was "doing what is necessary" commanded the army.
Call Erdogan
Erdogan called FaceTime to CNN Turk and people called to go on the road and fight the army. "We can rectify this situation. Our nation must gather on squares in the country to resist the rebellion. Those who are behind this coup will pay dearly. "
There en masse was given. The streets of Istanbul and Ankara poured full of people. Erdogan's supporters went including to the studios of the state broadcaster TRT. As the evening progressed broke out in Istanbul and Ankara battles between police and army. There were reports of shots on Taksim Square in downtown Istanbul. In a shooting at a bridge over the Bosphorus, which the army had previously blocked at night with trucks, three were injured.
In Ankara, the chaos was great. There flew fighter jets over the city. CNN Turk reported that shots were fired at the headquarters of the secret service. And later in the evening would be a jet fighter shot a military helicopter from the air. Near the parliament building were heard several heavy explosives. Reuters reported that one of the helicopters opened fire over Ankara. Around three o'clock tonight broke again battles in parliament.
By: Photo Editors NRC Emrah Gurel / AP
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