Den HAAG-Europe is on the verge of a 9/11 by IS-terrorists. The growing threat is according to anti-terror expert Peter Kahn a direct consequence of the recent military victories in Iraq and Syria IS on.
"I don't want to be alarmist here, but am very concerned about," said the former Director of the International Centre for counter-terrorism in the Hague. "Now to the losing hand, it means that a hard core of 40,000 IS sure fighters will spread.
They return to their more than eighty countries of origin. All over Europe, North African countries like Morocco and Tunisia but also Russia, Chechnya, China, Indonesia and Pakistan get the next time with more attacks. "
Like many other terrorist experts Kahn compares the situation with the end of Soviet-Afghan war, when the Mujahideen returned home. Among them Osama bin Laden. "We've seen where that led: the emergence of Al Qaeda and series terrorist attacks."
Important difference is the range of it's network. "That is significantly bigger because there are many more-fighters. It comes to fighters, potential terrorists, that the threshold of violence have taken a long time ago and a lot of perseverance and combat experience. This highly trained terror cells will everywhere. "
Kahn calls for better international cooperation and exchange of information between intelligence and security services to the growing terrorism. "There is already invested a lot since 9/11, but there is always room for improvement."
The preventive detention and intensive monitoring of recurring IS-fighters is not enough. Much attention should be and remain for programs to him IS to deradicaliseren and return-trailer in the society.
"That happens now in many European countries-Netherlands, England, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. Even in Nigeria now exist projects for the reintegration of warriors of Boko Haram. On the other hand, France has inexplicably hardly energy, I would not even a single French expert on this area may mention them. That says a lot and is one of the reasons why so many attacks in that country. "
Securing events against an attack with a truck as in Nice is in Knoope's eyes virtually impossible. "The method is not entirely unique, we have in Netherlands during Queen's day 2009 a similar attack had by Karst Tates. The are horrendous crimes by offenders with unlikely frenzy. Bombers that are completely gedehumaniseerd and people still only as objects. No event is here sufficient to protect against. "
However to be taken to prevent suicide attacks. "You do that with the old, classic intelligence work. In nearly all European countries have now become fusion-centres arise where information is shared.
Netherlands has a national coordinator for counter-terrorism and security. Again this is in France a large sore point: the different intelligence services not working well together. Even the French services compete with each other. "
Also the contacts between Government and residents are in the French problem areas on the back burner. "The police dares there only in armoured personnel carriers.
But the constantly feeling stick with Muslim organizations is essential to know where German guy IS-fighters are located, where people radicalize.
The ties with the Islamic communities are of great importance. Only the very lowest level, there is a good relationship with Government, willing and able people to the police come knocking as a family member or neighbor boy is busy with weird plans. In that crucial task Netherlands rest primarily on the shoulders of the district agents. "
That also counts in the fight against terror cells from abroad are flown in to pounce. Kahn: "terrorists have always local contacts and support. If it is to obtain information for selecting a target and to of weapons. "
By editorial Telegraph: Photo: REUTERS
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