This is the conclusion Minister Ard van der Steur (Security and Justice) concerning the case of the so-called "baby container" in Amsterdam.
To find out who the parents are of the container baby, the prosecution does all kinship research . However, such DNA testing is allowed only if there is for example a violent or sexual offense carrying a minimum of six years' imprisonment. In the case of the container baby examines the OM attempted murder, which stands at a maximum of twenty years. It was thanks to a passer-by that the child survived.
Van der Steur will make research possible now abandoned has laid a child and therefore has suffered grievous bodily harm, for example by hypothermia. To regulate the need for an amendment.
foster family
Container baby was in 2014 found when a passerby in Amsterdam New West noises heard from an underground waste container. The girl was placed with a foster family.
In June it was announced that the Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI) looking for potential relatives in the DNA database for criminal cases. This study is expected to last several months.
Previously refused to provide the RIVM information in the investigation of the origin of the girl. The prosecution wanted to compare the container baby DNA with DNA profiles on heel stick cards that are kept at the RIVM. According to the RIVM would hereby medical confidentiality compromised.
By Editorial Volkskrant: Photo: Google Street View
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