South district is was the nuisance of tourist buses on the Museumplein. From August 22 started a trial in which two stewards accompany the bus drivers and point to the correct parking spaces.
According to Rob Duchteren district of southern provide buses for unsafe situations around the Museumplein, because they often times awkward spots. "They run the engines, causing air pollution."
The stewards are deployed to combat the nuisance of foundation Welcome to Amsterdam and have experience with a similar project on the Prins Hendrikkade. The pilot will last until September 25th.
Earlier South district already announced an offensive to fill the many vacant parking garage underneath Museumplein. The garage is now used as a means to reduce the nuisance of tourist buses.
The buses will be escorted into the trial to the garage, where bus drivers twenty minutes their free bus may park to drop off their passengers. If they want to park the bus longer, this is accompanied by an hourly rate of five euros.
By Editorial Het Parool: Photo: Floris Lok / Parool
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