Can a PVV'er be a good headmaster? Or a judge? There is thought of differently in circles teachers and judiciary. A former headmaster as PVV'er comes out of the closet, a former AOB driver responds. we go to a Berufsverbot 'for Wilders sympathizer?
Onno Bosma believes that the PVV voter can not be a school principal (Opinion & Ideas August 31) . Thus he expresses could very well how it is argued by board members and staff officers of schools.
At most, the cleaner will fall outside this informal and hidden disqualification. That this leads to a one-sided reflection of society, they apparently have no problem finding. The same mechanism we found in other institutions. Take the judiciary, there is the ideal picture of the man who thinks like a D66'er.
For me entirely appropriate. Criticism of Islam is not racism. No PVV'er would like headmaster chase the Muslim children from school. Would be stopped or cut back any measure that is seen as giving in to the demands of the Muslim parents. And he / she would support the teaching staff to identify measures (within the law) as teachers problems that have to do with Islam. Now teachers often get the stocking on the head and have to see how serious those problems to go.
Anger at black schools is justified, but PVV vote solves nothing on
In the Times of 27 August (+) submit to the Amsterdam retired headmaster Jan Shire why he, a former conscientious objector and PSP'er, now vote for Geert Wilders' Stuck in my pursuit of a more just world. " In the seventies he got a negative response when he called attention to the problems fast staining school and now there lay consistently on the problem yet, according to him becoming one pointing the finger when it comes to the arrival of a large new population. I recognize a lot in his story and his anger I share, but the choice for Wilders, I do not understand.
In the seventies, I was chairman of the large (7,000 members) Amsterdam branch of the FNV union education. Many teachers had the same frustrating experiences that describes Shire. They were at the forefront of the immigration changing society and felt let down by the government. In an attempt to generate interest in their overwhelming problems were two members of the divisional three-month internship at primary school De Roos. This resulted in March 1985 in a book, in which all 25 teachers tell their story. Following the interview with Jan Gouw - his school in the Mercator district seemed like two drops of water on the rose - I read about it this weekend. That was a staggering task. Everything that now, 31 years later, in almost the same words being said and written about the arrival of Muslim migrants is said by the people of The Rose.
The anger of the indigenous population in a deprived area, which bear the heaviest burden will. The confrontation with an unfamiliar religion. The mostly unreachable parents. Pupils women whore and berating each other for Turkish or Moroccan. The classes that are too large. The government looks away.
In contrast to the enormous efforts of the teachers and masters. Their determination to give the children some baggage in order to survive in the world. And, unfortunately, in almost all interviews signals that the requested stakes are too high and that has already begun the demolition of their resilience and inspiration.
Teachers, community workers, community police officers - all of them are still on the front line and still they do not have enough resources and they work with enough people around to feel supported and to sustain it in any case. Just that sense already is enough for me to deep disappointment and anger.
For Jan Gouw therefore reason to support Wilders, determining that you can not become a school principal as PVV voter. It seems like he thinks wrong. When fully understand his anger, I wonder how he imagines that you can function as a school principal with Wilders' ideas in your head? The society has no choice but the presence of Muslims as a fact to accept, as well as the arrival of more Muslims in search of a decent life. Jan Gouw there ambivalent. He considers religious freedom a great thing, but five hundred mosques is too much of a good thing. Headmaster in a country where Islam is the second religion, which would put an end to the supposed Islamisation?
Even if you become sadder and wiser in your faith to make the world more just, yet it seems sensible to remain as in the seventies pursue a realistic approach to the problems, with political priority for support and services for all people who against all odds try in their neighborhood, their school, their club to make the best of it.
Onno Bosma was active in the education union FNV.
By Editorial Volkskrant: Photo: Reuters
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Small talk.