The number of reports of threats and intimidation by Turkish Dutch in Rotterdam has doubled within two weeks. Since the failed coup in Turkey is more than eighty times was registered on July 15, NOS reported. Amsterdam came accordance minister Eberhard van der Laan in the same period of eighteen returns inside.
The 'crack' Van der Laan of the curses, he said Thursday in the city council, "but that's something the police and judiciary with little ability '. There must be actual threat or intimidation for speaking can be a criminal offense.
Rotterdam police recently set up a special team for the threats following the failed coup in Turkey. Only this team has access to the returns and protect them in the same way as reports of sexual offenses: extremely precise therefore to reduce fear declaration victims.
To date, only one person arrested following a declaration of threat. This was someone who had personally threatened Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb. How many declarations have been made nationally since the coup, is unknown.
Diplomatic relations on edge
The tension in the Turkish-Dutch community are running high after the failed coup, the Turkish President Erdogan and his supporters set up by his nemesis, the controversial preacher Fethullah Gulen. Since coup there have been several violent clashes between Turkish-Dutch nationals who were supporters of Erdogan or Gülen.
The Turkish Consul General in Rotterdam wrote to the fury of politicians Hague in July to a number of mayors how to deal with demonstrations by opponents of the Turkish government. Meanwhile, a few hundred Turkish-Dutch children are written in alleged 'Gülenscholen' and would according to D66 leader in Amsterdam even lists of 'Gülen students' circulating in Amsterdam , which are shared by Turkey.
The diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Netherlands are on edge. Days after a rapprochement attempt by Bert Koenders in Ankara, the Turkish state news agency published a list of Turkish state enemies in the Netherlands. The Cabinet was that stubbornly tries to carry that Turkish interference is not welcome in the Netherlands ,seriously embarrassed.
By Editorial Volkskrant: Photo: Guus Dubblelman / Volkskrant
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