Together with some friends he tried to take a group of fighting men apart. But a 32-year-old man from Barneveld was then himself beaten to the ground. He is still in a coma.
The brawl started around half past eleven on the Oudezijdsachterburgwal in the center of the city, writes local broadcaster AT5. A group of light-skinned men got into a fight with three men of Eastern European appearance. When the 32-year-old man tried to appease the quarrel, returned the three Eastern European men against him.
Brain injury suffered by clapping
He was beaten to the ground and left unconscious. Police officers had to resuscitate the man first, then was taken to a hospital. The hard blows suffered brain damage and the man he is lying in a coma.
The three offenders, of which one was wearing a Mohawk haircut, ran away after the brawl.They are not picked up yet.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Reuters
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