His teacher is moving heaven and earth for months to get him back to the Netherlands. Meanwhile, it is not well with the 17-year-old Eduard Kechyan, he was in June this year with his family deported to Armenia.
At that time, Edward was about to receive his diploma VMBO: "With the highest figure for Dutch of his year group," said his mentor Reinoud van der Linden still proud. "He is slightly autistic. A super sweet, creative, friendly boy." Van der Linden described his pupil.
"He no longer dares outside '
But that was then, in June. Since the deportation to Armenia goes according to Van der Linden very badly with Eduard. "He is a mere shadow of who he was in June. He is locked up in itself, quite distressing to hear that from his father. He has no contact with anyone, does not go outside."
Eduard father took this weekend a video message in which he Secretary Klaas Dijkhoff calling for help. "The whole situation has been very traumatic Eduard. He still daily charge and is constantly worried and depressed. He has no future here, in the Netherlands, he feels at home and safe. Get him back before it's too late."
Already registered for further education
The plan was to train as a graphic designer in Amersfoort. "He was already signed, that place is still open. Edward must return, in any way whatsoever. He breaks down," Van der Linden says that the situation is very attracting. "I feel responsible. If I do not do it, nobody will. I'm going through, for example, despite the nasty emails I get."
Van der Linden decided after the eviction to collect signatures . Meanwhile he has collected more than 38,000 comments. "Tuesday I go to the committee Security and Justice, I'm going to offer them. There is a man in need, and something has to happen."
"Kids pardon should really be expanded. Children like Edward, who are rooted here after six years, must continue. Children are sent away because a tick or a cross in the wrong state, it can not be."
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Yahoo! News
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