My schizophrenic son is a ticking time bomb, "Jo de Vries warned three weeks ago in this newspaper, when he was put on the street.
Saturday night he flew into a rage visiting his parents, and four officers were sustained him.
De Vries (76) has been struggling for months to get adequate help for her son, but still captures bone in the municipality of Purmerend. In circles around the local police were here Sunday disgrace of speaking, but the agents could mean nothing to the distraught woman.
,, My son is on the waiting list for admission to a specialized institution, but there is no place "is the current situation in her quest to help her 42-year-old son, who gets since his youth assistance. Because of his disorder, exacerbated by drug use, he caused a lot of problems in his home care institution Regional Care West.
Which terminated the lease, but the municipality will still offer no alternative place. It is not to bring the idea that health care providers 'difficult cases' at another company under trying. ,, In the meantime, must-ie sleeping under the bridge. They are at the municipality crazier than my son! "
The Lower House is angry at the lack of an approach to this problem, which plays throughout the country. Purmerend Monday again had a meeting with the parents to see if they can do something.
By Telegraph editors: Photo: Rob de Jong
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