The organizations want to check whether the amounts are correct which hospitals charge to realize that more transparency about the cost of care.
The reason: the differences between hospitals are large. So one asks otolaryngologist 1000 Euros for spraying an ear, while the average rate was "only" 110 euros.
"No idea what cost treatment '
The consequences of (too) high bills for consumers annoying, because they immediately lose their own risk. There appear to be major differences in hospital rates, but there is little transparency in the sector. Only insurer CZ will present the declarations , the other peers refuse.
"All consumers who have had hospital treatment have a piece of information in the hands where they can help other consumers," says Bart Combée of the Consumers' Association."Many people have no idea what it costs medical treatment in a hospital while paid the bulk of the care from public funds."
"Care is reimbursed from public funds'
In order to clarify, the two organizations therefore consumers ask themselves to send the bills. This requires a special website created. In addition, also see the difference between the private hospital and average national price of the same treatment.
Hospital bills are always in the 'my area' of the insurer. To help consumers to find this information is an instruction film made:
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: RTL News
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