Badges that are recorded by police cameras may be kept for four weeks later to detect crimes. Privacy organizations have serious objections to such a scheme, but Minister Van der Steur (Security and Justice) will now make anyway.
There must be a threshold, Van der Steur: police officers only have access to registration information after an order from the prosecutor. Van der Steur calls it an "additional guarantee for the protection of privacy." It should also always retrieve the information 'have a specific reason.
auto registration
Van der Steur has today let the House know. Who talks all the time about the so-called ANPR bill, which deals with the automatic registration of license plates.
Earlier, the Personal Authority said that the bill gives the police powers' all passers-by on Dutch roads as potential suspects to be included in police files. And that can only find the privacy watchdog, if it is really necessary. That is not so here, the authority said in 2011.
trawl Method
Van der Steur wants to 'trawl method now still make finds reporter Siebe Sietsma, who regularly post about the licensing. He calls the preservation of the badges "an easy and inexpensive way to capture the movements of people."
Inevitably comes at the expense of privacy, he said. "But here you grab them not thieves."
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Reuters
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