They just took him to the nursery, as she always does. But mother Amanda Beebe from the US state of Florida got her son back under the bite wounds. Nearly 20 times he'd been bitten by another child.
Amanda received a call from the kindergarten because her 18 month old son was bitten.Whether they wanted to come pick him up. But when she arrived at the child she was shocked.
"Seemed to be bitten by a dog '
"I saw that my son was covered with bites. The side of his face was all swollen," she told the local station ABC Action News. "It seemed like he was attacked by a dog."
But it was another child who had bitten her son. It all happened last Tuesday. A week later she is still furious. "Why was there no one who helped my son?" On Facebook she shared after the bite attack of pictures of her son.
Surveillance images
What exactly happened at the shelter is still a mystery. There are surveillance cameras, but the biting incident took place off screen. Amanda could see images of her son, who came alone and crying the image was gone again.
According to ABC Action News is not that there are complaints about the first time this nursery. The leader who left her son alone, was dismissed.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Facebook / Amanda Beebe
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