Last summer, the N-VA launched a number of proposals that the government should give more clout to the fight against terror.
In 'The Seventh Day' passes chairman Bart De Wever explanation - from Plopsaland where N-VA has a family - which should include such measures. "Administrative searches and penalties judicial control afterwards."
The note "Level V" of the N-VA covers several aspects, but it is especially picking up people without judicial scrutiny under discussion fierce.
Coalition partner Open VLD continues to oppose this. "When it comes to the rights and freedoms of our citizens, we are uncompromising," has federal representative Carina Van Cauter (Open VLD) also in 'The Seventh Day' warned.
"The N-VA proposes measures that are dangerous to the rule of law and our freedoms. Those measures mask the impotence of the party to change things on the merits." So saysthe PS. To engage in the fight against terrorism is important, according to the PS that our police, justice and intelligence services have the necessary financial resources to function properly.
The French-speaking Socialists denounce the policies of Interior Minister Jan Jambon. "The minister explained two years ago that the police should be doing more with less. This kind of policy is a failure. In order to cover up their bad policies, the N-VA, as usual leads, deflect attention by launching dangerous measures "said the PS.
Weaver is not impressed. He believes he is skeptical government partners will eventually take over. "We will wait after it really has read the texts."
Source: The seventh day Photo: Tomorrow
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