He was previously convicted in absentia and remained under the radar until someone at the city explained the link with an employee in the Turnhout youth theater.Parents and young people were informed and, optionally collected. There are no suspicions of new facts, it sounds to the city.
Joachim P. was sentenced in June last year to five years in prison for online sex offenses. He gleaned online nude photos and videos from almost forty teenage boys, some younger than 14. The man suffered by the psychiatrist to a sexual disorder.
He was convicted in absentia and afterwards nobody knew where he was. Earlier this week someone brought to town the link between a newspaper article and an already long employee of a Turnhoutse youth theater association, with young people between 12 and 20 years. He was called in for summer jobs in the city.
"The city did not know of his conviction. An employer shall be informed thereof normally, but here it is a voluntary contract", he says. "Because he was officially removed and had no valid address, he could not be traced."
In the coming days will see the board or proceeding shall be adjusted, for example, a background check. A certificate of good morals would not have helped as possible, because he already helped before his sentencing.
The city emphasizes that for the time being not aware of any new facts. "We're shocked here. We catch the concerned parents and children on the urban youth service and the social services of the police."
Source: Belga Photo: Thinkstock
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