"This is not going to happen", Jean David of the military Trade Union VBM on the CDA plans to reintroduce conscription. He thinks it's a bad idea.
CDA-leader Sybrand van Haersma Buma wants the service step by step. He sees the compulsory service, for both boys and girls, as a connecting element between young people.
"Who the instigators who throw stones might find it not fun, but it would be good for them," he says in the AD. What Buma is concerned, the conscription also be fulfilled to the police or the care.
' Defense is no youth organization ' David of the military Trade Union sees the need not. "Defense is no youth or youth organization, but a professional organization that is needed though there is much violence should be used", he says to RTL news.
In addition, it is also expensive: young people must first be trained. Also, there should be much more material to be purchased, such as tanks, artillery, aircraft and frigates.
In addition, conscripts during fighting situations less suitable. Professional soldiers choose voluntarily. They are therefore more motivated than conscript soldiers, says David. He sees nothing in the plan of Buma: "this is not going to happen. Absolutely. "
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: REUTERS
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